Features without internet

  • Hello everybody,

    I have some Shelly 2.5 (and I would like to buy other devices too ...) and I need some information on possible operations in absence of internet:

    1) Weekly schedule: I understand that time synchronization cannot take place without the internet, but after the first time synchronization, why not allow the weekly schedule to work even without the internet? (assuming the risk that the time is not correct) It would be very convenient to have the ability to set schedules that can continue to work even without internet ... the system would also be much more reliable ...

    2) Scenes: why not run scenes that only involve actions on the same device (without the need for internet)? Example: I created an example scene, which turns the bulb on and off repeatedly after a certain number of seconds ... there is no use of the internet, no involvement of other devices ... there should be no technical problems in making this type of scenes without internet

    3) The following is a proposal for a future development: automatic light on / off function, to simulate presence in the house (even without the need for internet)

    Is there a way to achieve the objectives of the above-mentioned points, without the need for Internet?

    Thank you very much :)


  • 1) is working fine with a local timeserver (sntp).. esp8266 hasn't got a internal clock, therefore a timeserver is mandatory.

    2) Scenes is Cloud only, so it doesn't work without internet.

    3) I'd use a local smarthome server such as HomeAssistant. ioBroker, OpenHAB to emlulate presence or simply use schedules + local timeserver.

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

  • Thank you for your reply Seven of Nine!

    Your suggestions are very useful .. surely with a server like HomeAssistant I could solve it ... I sincerely hoped that only through Shelly I could do the same ... I hope that in the future some of these functions can be added by updating the firmware (or Shelly releases its own hub).

    If anyone else has other ideas for any workarounds, they are welcome 😊

    Seven of Nine: Live Long and Prosper, my friend borg 😊