Wifi Failure Fallback Mode

  • Is there a way to enable a fallback mode so that if a Shelly switch can't get onto the wifi network, it defaults to standard switch mode, i.e. when a connected switch is in the on position power is connected to the output pin, and when it is in the off position no power is connected?

    Just thinking this would add some peace-of-mind for setups that upgrade existing switches to be smart, if the home wifi network is down at least they can continue to function in "dumb" mode.

  • They all continue to work in dumb mode, once a Shelly is installed and the hardwired switch is wired to Shellies SW input and Shellies O is wired to a lamp.
    In any case, no matter if WIFI is available or not, the hardwied switch will still turn the light on and off.

    Further it can be configured to reinitialize WIFI connection whenever it was lost, without influence to current switching state.

    Further a back-up WIFI can be configured such that the Shelly would have a fallback opportunity.

    Of course if a installed Shelly sends on/off commands via WIFI to a remote Shelly, this won't work without WIFI.

  • Of course if a installed Shelly sends on/off commands via WIFI to a remote Shelly, this won't work without WIFI.

    This was my specific question, sorry I didn't make it clear. I have my Shelly configured to send messages using MQTT, and rely on those to turn the lights on or off (the lights are Hue, so they seem to behave better when always powered). Of course, now I fear that if my wifi network goes down, I won't be able to operate the lights. 🤔

    Thanks for the response.

  • Sorry for resurrecting an old post. I'm facing the same problem. I use zigbee lamps and use the relay input to control lights. Wall switch only makes an input in HA. I would like that if shellys lose wifi connection, they fallback to controlling the lamps like if the wall switches are controlling the relays. It would be nice if this was a feature in the firmware.