HT device install fail

  • I need some help with my H&T device install.

    I followed this video


    and I successfully managed to install the first of 5 H&T. I should mention that all these devices were running sweetly until a change to the SSID they were on and now I have to reconnect them all again.

    So I have one connected and in the Shelly app, nice. The second device I have spent approximately 3 hours trying to get to the same point. I put the H&T into AccessPoint mode, my phone picked it up and using I set the 'Wifi Mode Client'. I have tried both static and dynamic IP address settings. Then I switch back to my home wifi and open up the Shelly App. That's it, nothing happens here, I refresh and refresh but nada, no devices found.

    I have to say I reconnected three Google Nest Protects and the Nest Thermostat in about 10 minutes, but these Shelly devices have an overly convoluted connection process, super frustrating. At the point where I just put them all in the bottom draw and forget about them but I'm heavily invested in this tech and I like what it offers (when it works !!).

    Any help/suggestions on how to proceed gratefully accepted.

  • it is uncanny these H&Ts are the size of a golf ball because I feel like taking to them with my 3 wood. Shelly I think you should sort out this connection issue, make it more seamless. When I purchased them there wasn't anything in the small print that said setting them up will take a day of your life. Aaaaagggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This isn't Smart technology its special needs

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von sellis1964 (4. September 2021 um 07:22)

  • Hi sellis1964 ,

    I do not know what you're doing wrong, but for none of my 80 Shelly, I have l needed more than 5 minutes.

    Issues Integration in the App Shelly Cloud

    Good luck. :thumbup: