Shelly 2.5 and curtains

  • Hi all..

    I'm new in the forum and i hope someone could help me.

    I completed the integration of shelly devices in my home light system and all the roller shutter in my house..

    I'm very satisfied with the result and would like to proceed with the curtains integration.

    So i would ask you a suggestion on how to proceed.

    Consider that at the moment i haven't any curtains in my house so i need to buy an electric solution and integrate it with shelly 2.5.

    I prefere a solution in which use shelly because i feel very well with the shelly app and i would like to have all the domoticz of my house in a single app.

    Could someone suggest to me a good solution for horizzontal curtains to integrate? Some personal experience or some think... anything will be appreciated

    Thanks a lot for you help guys.
