[v1.11.4] Broken MQTT

  • Good morning,

    yesterday morning all the shellies were updated with the version 20210908-101005/v1.11.4-g4ccc0b2, and they stopped communicating with the MQTT server to which they were connected.

    I restored one shelly to factory mode and reconfigured the MQTT in case something was left in the cache, but it didn't work.

    What I have done is to install the beta version 20210901-202203/v1.11.4-rc3-gf11bc53 and it has returned to work perfectly leaving information on the MQTT server.

    Can you take a look at it, please?

    thanks in advance

  • I've tcpdump'ed this. The problem is DHCP/DNS. Even the DHCP-Offer contains the correct option(6) "Domain Name Server" the shelly will use the dns-server ... and google don't know anything about my local mqtt-broker ;)