Solar Panel Reading with Shelly EM

  • Hello

    Bradly new to shelly EM I was getting previous a shelly 1PM which was working perfectly to get access to read the energy produced.

    I get 2.8 Kw for example when I get a good weather, the only thing that I get its when I get above of 3.5Kw I get shelly disconnected and need to connect again.

    Posted here on this forum (Overconsumption device switch off) and I get advised to get a Bradly new Shelly EM.

    Which I did after some research I get the information that -3.2W was meaning that was the correct value since was it should be read that its not consumed but was produced by the solar panel side.

    Although I get some questions

    I get 3.7 W why not getting 3.7 Kw like shelly 1 PM shows, is there any reason or maybe a not well know for the configuration on my side ?

    Another situation that I get it its at night after shelly 1 Pm gets values for 0 (which was not producing anything ) I get always the last value

    for example -1.98 W (which I think it should be -1.98 Kw ) I need to power off and power on again in order to get 0 on the value, is this normal behavior ?