I need some help trying to make my old doorbell smarter.
My goal is to leave the doorbell working as it is now and not use Uni's outputs, but detect the doorbell button push and send MQTT message when that happens.
The doorbell is Friedland type 4, and it's powered by a 12V AC transformer.
The transformer is wired so that the doorbell always has 12V AC power. Also, the button connection (OF) has a constant 12V. When the doorbell button is pushed, that 12V goes down to about 3-4V and this change is what I'm trying to detect.
The Uni is wired to ACC to T3 and N to 1. Uni's 7 is wired to OF.
Uni is powered and working ok, but it's not detecting the button being pushed.
Uni's manual says that AC below 12V is (0) low.
Here is an image of the wiring.
I would really appreciate any help or ideas!