Firmware-Aktualisierung DW2

  • Ich habe mal eine etwas blöde Frage...

    WIe kann ich eigentlich am sinnvollsten eine Aktualisierung der DW2-Sensoren durchführen.

    Ich habe knapp 20 Stück verbaut, welche nur local eingebunden sind (mit ColoT an HomeAssistant) Irgendwie geht es mir absolut auf den Sender bei allen persönlich vorbeizuschauen, mit einem winzigen Pin in irgendwelchen Löchern rumzufrickeln damit ich die per IP erreichen und aktualisieren kann.

    Kann man das nicht eleganter lösen?

    Schön wäre z.B. das Update herunterzuladen, auf das NAS zu schieben und beim nächsten Aufwecken holt sich der jeweilige Sensor das dann. (dürfte aber wohl eher nicht gehen)

    Wie löst Ihr das "Problem"?

    Grüße, digi

  • I had the same problem and have 42 Shelly's. I solved it with Node-Red in Home Assistant. By calling the following url in the http-request-node it updates the Shelly:{{topic}}/ota?update=true.

    In my case the first three xxx are the same for all Shelly IP addresses. In node red I make sure that the last number of the ip-address ends up in the msg.topic and I send that to the http-request-node.

    By the way, you can automate it even more because for each Shelly there is also a sensor in Home Assistant that indicates whether it needs an update, for example: binary_sensor.fan_firmware_update.

    I think this sensor is set to not active by default in HASS, but you can easily turn it on and use it to start an update automatically.

  • That sounds excellent. At least for all Shelly 1 / 1L / 1PM this will work. Great. However, I'm worried about whether it will work with the battery-powered Shellys, as they are in deep sleep most of the time.


    Shelly 1 in home-assistant

    But the prudent thing is to try. Thank you very much for the idea.

    At least there is no sensor "update" with the battery-operated Shellys. It's a pity - but in any case it's fully automatic with the others.


    Shelly Door/Window 2 in home-assistant

    I'll test this with the DW2s and report whether the update is installed...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von digi303 (20. Oktober 2021 um 10:40)

  • I do not use battery operated device. Sorry for not reading your first message on this and because you're using lots of them!

    Maybe you can just push the update url to the devices that have this sleep option right at te moment they report in. I can see from your screenshot that they report temperature or lux. So they connect, so they are awake. That would be your trigger to send the update command, let's say ones a day or week. Or only allow this update command at the moment that your Shelly 1 has requested an update.

  • Since the update of HomeAssistant to version 2021.12.1, the Shelly's have a button.xxxxx_ota_update entity. This allows you to start the update without the url call.

    Am also curious if you managed to update battery-powered devices from HomeAssistant!?