Automatic reboot daily

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm new here and have two questions about my Shelly 1PM.

    What I need:

    1. The Shelly should restart at X o'clock every day. As I've seen, I can't do this in the web interface.

    How do I have to program my Shelly to restart every day? (I'm unfortunately not a professional in this area)

    2. I am connected to the Shelly via WLAN (web interface) and not via USB. Do I have a way to connect with Putty?

    If yes how?

    Thank you in advance for your answers :)

  • 1) a daily reboot is not possible with a standard Shelly 1PM. What you can do: add a weekly schedule to turn on / off the relay. Not sure if that helps..

    2) Putty is a SSH / telnet client and Shellies have neither telnet nor SSH implemented, thus you can't use Putty to manage a Shelly. Devices can be controlled by HTTP requests or MQTT commands.

    Note: a daily reboot is possible via ShellyScript, but that's a feature of the new Gen2 devices (Shelly Plus 1, Plus 1PM)

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!: