I've just updated the firmware to my 2.5 shelly to s 20191127-095444/v1.5.6@0d769d69. The shelly is attached to a relay connected to several push buttons. If drives two lights. Before the update, it worked perfectly. By working I mean that by pressing the app button of each channel, the corresponding light cycled "on" and "off" (as expected). The shelly button type is "Edge".
After the firmware update, each shelly channel cycles, for each push on the app button, like this: on, off, "on and immediately off", on, off, "on and immediately off". I've tried to change the shelly button type but they behave all the same!!
Is there a way to solve this, because the module cannot be used anymore in controlling the lights (home assistant, for instance, does not longer know which light is on and which is off).