I am trying to automate the light on stairs, 2 floors. So 2 sensors required to cover the area. The light is controlled by Shelly 1.
I don't want cloud/Home Assistant/other external scripts. I am theoretically ready to use Shelly 1 Plus if required.
Note that I have already seen:
Nur bei Dunkel schalten, dann aber bei Bewegung Licht verlängern?
Danke euch.
Perfekte Einstellungen für "Licht so lange wie Bewegung" möglich?
Ich habe ein bisschen mit dem Motion-Sensor experimentiert. Bislang hängt er in einem Durchgangsraum, in dem man sich aber gelegentlich auch mal aufhalten möchte. eingestellt habe ich ihn so:
MOTION DETECTED IN DARK: http://babladeckenlicht/light/0?turn=on
Im Dimmer für das Deckenlicht habe ich wiederum einen Timer von 5 Minuten eingestellt. Dieser läuft auch korrekt ab, sowohl bei Motion als auch bei Tastendruck. OK.
Richtig gut würde es jetzt aber, wenn der Bewegungsmelder während…
1 Shelly Motion soll einen zweiten Shelly Motion schalten
ich hätte ein Frage und zwar ist folgendes möglich....
.....ich möchte gerne , dass ein Shelly Motion , nach Ende der "Blind Time", nicht das Licht ausschaltet , sondern einen zweiten Shelly Motion aktiviert , ist das möglich ?
Hintergrund ist , dass ich ein Treppenhauslicht über mehrerer Stockwerke mittels 2 Shelly Motions steuern möchte. Gleichzeitig aber auch verhindern will, dass der erste der z.B. beim runter gehen aktiviert wurde, nach Ende der Blind Time das Licht wieder…
And mentioned proposals are far from perfect.
I currently see the problem in two rather strange "features" and one not existing feature:
1. "No motion" actions are called independent from "Motion detected" actions. In case I want detection in the "Dark" only, I can specify corresponding actions explicitly. But "No motion" actions are called after any motion detection. In case the intention is just main stream "turn off", that is not a problem. But if, for example, I want "keep light for another 30 seconds", it will turn light during the day. Natural solution is "Mode" "Dark". But...
2. As soon as lux is in different range (the light is on), motion is no longer detected. I mean if the motion is already detected, it logically should continue "track" it independent from the mode. But it does not.
3. There is no "I still observe the motion" actions. So, external devices have no way to reset own times when the sensor reset the timer. The only next message they can get is "No motion", but feature (1) kills any practical usefulness of that second action set, except "switch off now" (so it works in case nothing was or should be on).
I have not tested "self sleep" combinations yet. But obviously during sleep time the sensor does nothing (not detecting motions) and the author of that proposal writes that is not always working.
Apart from written, even with one sensor I have already installed, I see lux problematic. I effectively have to set "Dark" to 4 lux to avoid switching during the day, since I see down to "7" when my stairs have sufficient light for me. The sensor is not broken, when the light is on it shows ~60 in my case. Outside during the day >1000. But somehow for in-door use light detection precision is far from perfect.
Mentioned threads are relatively "old", taking rapid firmware updates into account. Have I overseen something? Are there any plans to fix (1) and/or (2) and implement (3)? May be in some "beta" already?
I don't think "2+ sensor -> 1 light" is so exotic wish (till most users have small open areas only). Are there plans to make "several sensors as one" internally in firmware? That could make installation as simple as with just one device.