Shelly Dimmer 2 to manage my hot water baloon as a PV router

  • Hello,
    I have a photovoltaic (PV) installation generating too much power during the summer days.
    I'd like to use the over-production to activate the resistor of my hot water balloon.

    I am currently managing it with a shelly1PM and a manual variator because I do not want 0 or 2500W but between 500W and 1500W output according to my excess of PV production.

    As shelly dimmer2 output power is <200W and my balloon is 2500W, it is incompatible.
    But I'd like to know what are the output specification of the dimmer in terms of :

    - is it DC or AC output ?

    - what is the range of Voltage ?

    -is this regulating the Intensity or Voltage output ?

    And even better: Has anyone tried to command a solid state relay with a shelly dimmer 2 output ?


  • Hello,

    I like the idea too!

    At first, were you able to toggle it based on your PV excess production? If so, how did you manage? With the Shelly app or home assistant or something else?

    Thanks for your feedback