Set accumulated values to start with

  • hi, some weeks ago, my Shelly 3EM did a reset of all its values after a power outage. Is there a possibility to set the accumulated values, so I can continue with my previous values? (By API, cli, MQTT...)

    I'm talking about 'total' & 'total_returned'. I store these values in a database, and now the data is not correct anymore.

    So I was wondering if I can set a new start value for these totals, and the device will count from there.

    I already played around with the API and was able to grab some data and even change settings on the device like the name (POST, tranfsformer type (POST, but when I do eg POST, the command is accepted, but nothing changes.


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von wars_ (14. Dezember 2021 um 21:15)

  • wars_ 12. Dezember 2021 um 21:13

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Set accumulated values to start with g“ zu „Set accumulated values to start with“ geändert.