Hi! I Have around 20 shelly devices in my network including 8 Dimmer 2-s.
Today I added one more Dimmer 2 to living room lights.
Added wifi, device has now IP and I can access the web UI. Did firmware update to latest, calibration, and added the MQTT server and CoIoT as usual, but Home Assitant did not notify that new device has been found as usual.
Neither is the device in my MQTT network.
Turned on the debug log. There is no information about ColoT, but for MQTT there is a error:
1297981689 mgos_mqtt_conn.c:472 MQTT0 connecting to
1304278091 mgos_mqtt_conn.c:230 MQTT0 TCP connect error (-8)
1304285737 mgos_mqtt_conn.c:257 MQTT0 Disconnect
1304352481 mgos_mqtt_conn.c:551 MQTT0 connecting after 64178 ms
There is no log entries in Mosquitto for this particular Dimmer2.
I have tried to reboot device, Mosquitto (MQTT) and Home assistant. Everything else is working. Other dimmer2-s with the same firmware are working. Mosquitto is working etc..
I can ping the dimmer2 and web UI is working, so don't seem to be nework isssue. I'm out of ideas. Maybe a faulty device?