Gate monitor state

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  • I'd like to use a shelly 1 just to monitor if a gate is open or closed. I can connect to the shelly a reed switch. Is my goal achievable? How should be the wiring ?

    It would be OK for me to monitor the state of the gate either through the shelly relays or the input state

    NB the shelly will have power supply of 240v ac

  • Thanks a lot you both for your help.

    Honestly I was thinking (hoping) the solution (mentioned in the TD you're pointing me at) was more straightforward.

    240V AC are due to the fact that it's easier to have it from the gate motor and Shelly 1 is because I already use it with a temperature sensor. Anyhow I'll reconsider a Uni.

  • Check to see if your gate controller has a state relay which indicates whether the gate is open or closed. The CAME and FAAC gates I've worked on have. Somfy may not have. The relay may require some programming or changing DIP switches on the circuit board of the gate controller.

    What make and model is the gate controller?


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