I received my Door/Window 2 device this week. I was expecting them for a long time, because it's a really usefull tool to combine with TRV.
My main idea was to control the TRV temperature when the window is open. When I open the window to refresh the air I do not want to heat the city.
Example: When window is open -> set the temperature to 18C | When the window is closed -> return the previous temperature.
I was surprised that there is no such thing out of the box.
I started looking for ways to do it, but it looks like it's not possible.
I can change the temperature on open and close, but I have different temperatures during the day and night. If I change the temperature on the TRV, I have to change the temperature in the DW2 settings, which makes it too much work for something that should save me time.
So my first question to Shelly Team: I can see that shelly devices does not have good out of the box communication between them. Do you plan to change this?
Second question to the whole community: Do you think it's possible to make this work?
Hope for smarter automation every day.