Shelly TRV and DW2

  • I received my Door/Window 2 device this week. I was expecting them for a long time, because it's a really usefull tool to combine with TRV.

    My main idea was to control the TRV temperature when the window is open. When I open the window to refresh the air I do not want to heat the city.

    Example: When window is open -> set the temperature to 18C | When the window is closed -> return the previous temperature.

    I was surprised that there is no such thing out of the box.

    I started looking for ways to do it, but it looks like it's not possible.

    I can change the temperature on open and close, but I have different temperatures during the day and night. If I change the temperature on the TRV, I have to change the temperature in the DW2 settings, which makes it too much work for something that should save me time.

    So my first question to Shelly Team: I can see that shelly devices does not have good out of the box communication between them. Do you plan to change this?
    Second question to the whole community: Do you think it's possible to make this work?


    Hope for smarter automation every day.

  • To reach the Shelly Team you've to open a feature-request to Allterco.

    Sorry, but the forum is the wrong adress.

    But yes, a direct working feature is requested. More requests = bigger chance ;)

  • But why would this need a feature request? It sounds very much like the advertised feature. One the Shelly TRV product page it clearly states as one use scenario: "Don’t let your heating go to waste! Set Shelly TRV to turn off the heating when Shelly Door/Window2 sensor detects that a window in the room is left open for more than 3 minutes. Then have it automatically increase the room temperature levels once the window is closed."

    The only difference seems to be that realbudhead was asking to set the target temperature to 18°C instead of off. But the motivation is the same - don't let the heating go to waste.

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