Control hidden device from a scene

  • Hello,

    Today I added a Shelly 1 to a new lighting circuit. I have another circuit controlled by a Shelly (Pro 4PM), and I need the new Shelly 1 to switch at the same time as the original circuit.

    I don't want the new Shelly 1 to be separately controllable, so assumed that I could make it a hidden device, and create a scene to switch it when the original switches. Unfortunately, hidden devices don't appear as available in the scene creation.

    Is there a better way to achieve my goal?

    Thank you for reading.

  • It would be a nice update. I also tumbled upon the same issue.

    As a workaround I do the scene and only after that I move the device to hidden, and it works fine. the only issue is if you want to change the scene you need to temporary move out from hidden for changing scene settings...