In plugS FW version 20190516-073020/master@ea1b23db I can not set CoIoT peer address in web interfaceScreenshot 2022-02-20 at 11.53.04.png
For example it can be set for Shelly1
In plugS FW version 20190516-073020/master@ea1b23db I can not set CoIoT peer address in web interfaceScreenshot 2022-02-20 at 11.53.04.png
For example it can be set for Shelly1
Please update your PlugS.
You've factory-firmware on it.
Please update your PlugS.
You've factory-firmware on it.
Thank you for fast response. Had possibility to do it only now.
Just for others. Even if web interface shows there is no update you can update.
See…-version/252060 for instructions. worked for me