Can't select transformer type

  • Hello,

    I just installed a 3EM. The first thing I did was update firmware. This is what I always do with new Shelly devices. Indeed, the app pretty much demands it. Then, I tried to configure the current transformer type. I'd seen the option in the menus when I first installed, before the firmware update.

    But after the firmware update, I couldn't find this setting anywhere. It was driving me mad. Then I did some web searches. It seems that old firmware needs to be used to set the transformer type. But, I didn't see any information about which particular version is needed. Pre 1.6, I think. I discovered this by a tedious process of elimination, downgrading in steps until the setting appeared. Then, having made the change, upgrading again.

    This, unless I'm missing something, is ridiculous. The messing about to make the change made the installation and setup process take twice as long as it should.

    What was the logic of removing what I consider to be a critical setup parameter?

    I love Shelly devices. But I'm really not impressed by this.

  • This is not "a critical setup parameter". The 3EM is shipped with current clamps that are calibrated to the specific device they are shipped with. So there is no need to set the type of clamp, it will always be a 120 amps clamp. You should not use the 50A one with open wires, these are for the EM only. That's why this setting was remove from the UI and is probably hardcoded in the current firmware.

    Btw: The 3EM can only read currents up to about 60A correctly and gets misreadings above. There's a thread about this in the German part of this very forum. Nevertheless you are supposed to use the 120A clamps provided with your 3EM.

  • Thank you for your reply. However, it was critical for me - The reason I needed to set it was because Phase A was set to have no current transformer at all. Maybe a factory config error?

    So, when it was installed, no data appeared for phase A.

    I thought (mistakenly, it appears) that the 3EM was available in both 50A and 120A options. But, it was the Phase A data issue that alerted me to the need to access the setting.

    And, I will need more 3EMs, to locally monitor pumps, and other lower power 3 phase loads. I figured that using the 50A transformers would give better resolution. However, that's not a big deal. But, more information on this issue would have saved a lot of time.

    Thank you again for your reply. I've learned something.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von N20net (20. März 2022 um 12:07)