Shelly Pro 1 eingefroren. Wie geht ein Reset? Auch Strom abschalten hilft nicht.

  • Hallo.
    Wir haben einige Pro's verbaut. Alle mittels wifi integriert. Nachdem bei einem die cloud ausgeschalten wurde, ist er eingefroren. Alle mir bekannten Reset-Prozeduren haben bisher nichts gebracht. Weiss jemand Rat?

    Der Shelly friert nach zirka 5 Sekunden ein. Danach reagiert er auch nicht mehr auf die Reset-Prozedur. Und innerhalb der kurzen Zeit (Aufstarten!?) erkennt er die Reset-Prozedur nicht.

    Danke für eure Hilfe.

    Hier noch das Mail an den Support:
    We installed a few Pro's. Unfortunately one Pro 2 seems to be "freezed". Please advise us how to reset it.

    To our knowledge the factory reset procedure is: "power off", "power on", 5 times pushing the reset button. Or alternatively 5 times connecting the SW1. And all within 60 seconds. Is this correct so far?

    Unfortunately the device freezes after about 5 seconds. Within that stage it no longer reacts to anything - in particular not to the factory reset procedure.

    The issues appeared after we turned the cloud sync off.

    We tried to connect also with Ethernet and Bluetooth. Problem persists - it pops up quickly within the first seconds and then freezes.

  • this was the solution from Dimitar:


    Update: BUG will be solved itself without firmware update, including ones with Schedules enabled. If you reboot devices after 23:00 in your country all should work.

    We prepare firmware update but in this case we decide to make in Monday, because all devices will not have issues in few hours and many people cannot update them even there is new version.

    - PLUS 1/1PM/2PM
    - PRO 4PM/1/2


    We found a serios bug related to Day saving light time change and Schedules

    Affect: devices stop working at all.

    If your devices still working:

    1. Disable Schedules

    If your device is not work anymore:

    1. Disconnect ethernet cable from your router

    2. Reboot devices with power cycle

    3. Found device IP in local network

    4. Disable Schedules

    5. Connect ethernet cable to your router

    Our developers in back in the office and work to fix the issue and release new firmware with hotfix.

    When is ready you can update your devices and enable schedules again.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, we will do our best to fix the problem within a few hours.
