Trasfer Devices to a new Account

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  • Hello

    I want to transfer all my Shelly devices from the actual Account to a new one. Actually the devices are linked to a Wifi network, and I have to change it, so the goal should be to have the same physical device linked to the new Wifi network and linked to the new Shelly account. I have all my devices connected to Cloud but I want to keep all the settings and configurations of each device.

    It is possible without a factory reset?

    Thank u

  • The new Wi-Fi network should get the same SSID and password as the old network had!

    „Habt Geduld. Alle Dinge sind schwierig, bevor sie einfach werden!“ (aus Frankreich)

    „Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.“ (Marie Curie, 1867-1934)

    „Es reicht nicht“, rief Schiller, „Gedankenfreiheit zu fordern, man muß auch denken können, sonst fordert man Gedankenlosigkeitsfreiheit und die ist die Freiheit zur Dummheit, welche wiederum die schlimmste Unfreiheit überhaupt ist!“
    (Aus „Besuch aus Weimar“ von Gert Heidenreich, Schriftsteller, *1944 in Eberswalde)

  • I want to transfer all my Shelly devices from the actual Account to a new one

    Have you find a proper way to transfer devices to new account and fully remove from existing.
    Is deleting from app sufficient. Or disable cloud, than delete, .... Is there any tried or documented method.

  • Hello marvmkd,

    I think deleting the device from the app is enough. In an earlier version of the app, he asked at this point whether you want to delete the device from the cloud. But I can test it again later.