Shelly 1PM to measure Solar Panel

  • I'm using a Shelly 1PM to measure the production of a couple of microinverters but it is showing has consumptions instead of production.

    How can I change that? Is it possible to invert the number?

    The reasons I went for a 1PM instead of EM are:

    1 - Price

    2 - Acurrancy

  • Shelly1PM is a relay, an actor and is designed to turn on or off devices. As a feature it is possible to monitor the consumption of the connected devices.

    If you run something with a job it isn't designed for.... it can happen you have to edit the results...

    Viele Grüße,


    .Nach einem Job mit viel Kurzarbeit, dann Corona bin ich seit einiger Zeit wieder in meinem erlernten Beruf als Elektriker in der boomenden PV-Branche gelandet. Da bleibt kaum noch Zeit mich um die eigenen Smarthome-Ideen zu kümmern... Naja - nicht mehr lange... der Ruhestand winkt schon am Ende des Jahres 2025...