I have 12 Shelly 2.5 for my shutter control and recently activated mqtt to include them into my home automation.
Now I have a single Shelly 2.5 that does not work properly, since it only sends -1 as its current position (shellies/shellyswitch25-8CAAB5XXXXXX/roller/0/pos). It perfectly reports its power consumption on UI as well as in mqtt (104W). All other values seem to be good in mqtt as well.
So when the shutter is open it return to 0 power consumption and when it has reached close state it reports also 0 power consumption. So I guess this is all it needs to calibrate.
Unfortunately the calibration fails every time after 5 minutes, tells me it got a timeout and the message on the page "Тo open/close partially go to the settings and do a calibration" stays.
I did a factory reset twice and the behavior is still the same.
Can this be fixed or is my device broken?