Pressure Sensor

  • Is there a way to hook up a pressure sensor to Uni. I want to put it on my pool filter measure the pressure as it rises to see when i need to back flush the pump. I would like to add a temp sensor on it as well, that seems pretty straight forward but cant find any documentation on a pressure sensor. Ive bought a pressure sensor from seeed studios. Here is a link to it.

    Water Pressure Sensor G1/4 1.2MPa
    This is a pressure measuring sensor. You can use it in clean, non-corrosive gas and liquid.

    thanks for any help

  • Hi,

    yes it shoud work.

    Feed the UNI with +12-36VDC (VCC red) and 0VDC (N black).

    Feed the SENSOR VCC (red) with +5VDC

    Connect the SENSOR OUT (blue) to UNI ADC_in (white)

    Connect the SENSOR GND (black) to UNI INTERNAL GND (green)

    For temperature you can use up to three one wire sensors type DS18B20

    I use someting similar with one sensor for tank-level and two temperatur sensors...


    Viele Grüße,


    .Nach einem Job mit viel Kurzarbeit, dann Corona bin ich seit einiger Zeit wieder in meinem erlernten Beruf als Elektriker in der boomenden PV-Branche gelandet. Da bleibt kaum noch Zeit mich um die eigenen Smarthome-Ideen zu kümmern... Naja - nicht mehr lange... der Ruhestand winkt schon am Ende des Jahres 2025...