Shelly devices cannot be added to the android app

  • Hello,

    I have about 35 shelly devices active in my house.

    I have this available in Home assistant, but not in the android app (version 1.714). All devices have a fixed IP address and are protected with a password.

    If I want to add these in the app via discovered devices, I see them all (locked)

    If I then enter my usename and password to unlock them, they hang (spinning dots)

    I would like to use the app to link them to google in this way.

    I can now do this via Home assistant, but then I am dependent on it.

    Once the HA server is down, I can't control the devices.

    Please help me to controll my devices via the app.

  • Hi, did you already fixed it?

    Viele Grüße,


    .Nach einem Job mit viel Kurzarbeit, dann Corona bin ich seit einiger Zeit wieder in meinem erlernten Beruf als Elektriker in der boomenden PV-Branche gelandet. Da bleibt kaum noch Zeit mich um die eigenen Smarthome-Ideen zu kümmern... Naja - nicht mehr lange... der Ruhestand winkt schon am Ende des Jahres 2025...