Have a problem with the device, caused by a problem with the Firefox browser on WIndows 10, which locked up during updating of settings like phase names.
I set a log in password, and normally, the password manager asks me to save the password as part of automatic processing. Due to a problem with the cursor not scrolling the screen in Firefox, the browser crashed, and the password was not saved into the password manager system, and was also lost from the keyboard buffer, so not available to paste into another location to make a copy.
I have tried both a reset to factory settings, and a power down of the device, and neither option is clearing the requirement to log in to the device, so effectively it is bricked. The AP is available, and can be connected, but on access to the Web Server, it requires a log in. The Shelly app crashes when trying to add the device to the WiFi network, and it's not possible to get into the web server on the 192,168.33.1 address.
This is the second problem I've had, the first was an issue that a firmware update did not complete correctly, and the only (eventual) recovery was to power down the device, after that, it was recovered, and the AP could be found.
I can't see any information on how to recover this situation, the reset from the front panel as such is working, but the device is not clearing the password.