I am looking for some buying advice and if this post is in the wrong place, I apologise.
Background; I have an outside sensor that switches on outside lights and they work well as such but they do not integrate to Home Assistant and this is what I am trying to overcome.
Option 1:
A Shelly device that will trigger Home Assistant when the device is powered on by 240 volts. Combined with certain conditions in Home Assistant, I then want to activate the 240 volt output from the Shelly to switch on the lights.
Option 2:
A Shelly device that will trigger Home Assistant when the device is powered on by 240 volts. Combined with certain conditions in Home Assistant, then activate a set of dry contacts (normally open) on the Shelly.
Can someone please give me some advice if there is a Shelly device that I can use in either scenario?
I wasn't sure whether this should be posted here or in the Home Assistant subforum (moderators, if you feel that it should be moved, please do so).