Shelly EM with Temperature Sensor Addon

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello and

    Wellcome to the Shelly Forum

    The current AddOn is not usable for Shelly EM. Maybe in the future there will be AddOn's for other Shellys as well.

    Grüße Bernd

    Mein "Smarthome":

    FHEM als "Master"(Cloud-Free :))mit 89 Shellys(1,1PM,2,2.5,4Pro,RGBW2,PlugS,Uni, alle mit Original-FW),13x Sonoff (Tasmota-FW),12x Blitzwolf/Gosund(Tasmota-FW),85x One-Wire Temp-Sensoren(16x D1-Mini mit Tasmota-FW),51x Modbus(Hutschienenzähler),31x Intertechno 433MHz(Rolladen-Aktoren),16x FBDECT(8 Heizkörperthermostate,8 Schaltsteckdosen),21x Homematic(16 Raumthermostate,3 FB-Heizungsaktoren,2 Repeater),1x Loxone MiniserverGo,etc

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