Shelly device to monitor boiler active times

  • I've had a couple of mains powered elapsed time recording devices on our oil boiler for a good few years, one records pump active, the other burner active, but I'd like to move to the next level to be able to get times on a more granular basis, so the question is pretty easy, is there a device in the Shelly range that will record into the cloud the status of 2 x 240V lines, so that I can see how long they are active for throughout the day.

    I don't need to be able to switch the lines from the web or the app, I just need to know if line 1 and line 2 are on or off at any particular time, partly to enable us to be able to get a better idea of the oil burn each day, If the device that's chosen can also give me air temperature, that would be a plus, but it's not essential, there are other ways for me to be able to get that detail if we need it.
