Hi everyone,
I am living in a led strip installed house. The led strip is divided into 4 pieces (per wall) in every room to get more brightness from LEDs.
I am using rgbw2 for 6 months to control the led strips. I connected the wires as shown in the diagram below. Every wall is connected to different pin independently.
So in the end there is one little problem. I got 4 light bulb buttons for every room. I know there is a grouping feature in the Shelly app but I prefer to use Google Assistant and planning to move Homekit.
Is this wiring method correct? How can I achieve the one-button experience?
[Blockierte Grafik: https://shelly.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/DC_4xWhite_led_strip_shelly.png?_gl=1*c7ou9f*_ga*MjA4ODc3NzA3Ny4xNjY3ODUyOTg4*_ga_RG1ZWH9CCQ*MTY2ODM5ODk3Ny4xMC4xLjE2Njg0MDE0MjUuMC4wLjA.]