Hi all,
i would like someone else also to verify the follow findings, when having 1L without N with or without Bypass v2.
Dimmable Led bulbs: I tried 4 different vendors, none of them worked 100%. Some were flickering while on, some others when off.
Non-dimmable Led bulbs: I tried the same vendors, but the non-dimmable version. They WORKED 100%.
Bottom line, since none of the houses in Greece, have neutral or the potential to have neutral, at the switch, I took the decision to use Dimmable Led Bulbs with Dimmer 2 (it works perfectly with or without Bypass, since it has also anti-flickering debounce setting), and Non-Dimmable with 1L.
Hope someone else to give a try and test if he/she have the same results as i had.
Thank you.