I'd like to use a Shelly Plus 1 to control our car port entrance gates, which are managed by a DiTEC VIVAH controller, and add a reed sensor to get information whether the gates are closed.
The questions I have are:
The controller has three switching circuits that are relevant, one for open, one for close and one step-by-step for a combined open-stop-close action. If I'd want to go for independent open/close, I'd need two Shelly Plus 1 devices, correct? From your experience with such gates, which is the better approach, having only one action for open-stop-close (like with the remote control) or have two independent for open and close, which might be more handy for automation and rules?
Can you recommend any reed sensor that works well outdoors and accepts up to 230V?
I am not very experienced when it comes to electrical wiring, my understanding from the diagrams is that I'd have to do it like this. I'd take the 220V power supply and use it to power the Shelly. Therefore the reed sensor would also have to support 220V. For the actual switching, I'd connect the 1/0 of the Shelly to the terminals from DiTEC for the step-by-step action if I'd decide to go for that one. Does that make sense?
Here are the wiring diagrams of the two devices: