I am try to configure a Shelly2.5 via HTTP requests from a custom application.
Most of it is working fine, but I am having an issue with setting a URL for ‘out_on_url’ (and others).
In the below my PC is at and the Shelly2.5 is at
I need to pass multiple parameters on the url (eg…elay=0&state=on).
If I enter the URL in the web interface it works correctly, however if I try to set it remotely via HTTP (eg…abled=true&urls[]=, it stops at the first “&” in my url, only setting to (…me=shelly25_001), after which the shelly also stops actioning the URL until changed via web interface and rebooted.
I have tried enclosing the url part in double quotes (eg[]=””), but it then includes the first double quote in the url set, and still stops at the first & in my url ( ie "…me=shelly25_001)
I have also tried ("urls[]=") but that hasn’t worked either.
Can someone assist me and show how I need to format the “settings/actions” request to pass a url that includes an embedded &, as everything I have tried seems to be taking the first & in my url string as the next & in the settings/actions request