Integration of Shelly Pro 3 EM in Home Assistant does not allow to extract the total consumption on each phase individually

  • Hello,

    On my main panel I've installed a Shelly Pro 3 EM to measure the power consumption on various circuits (I only have a single phase). I would like to be able to access the energy consumption in Home Assistant on each “phase”, however I can only access the instantaneous power.

    Do you have any idea on how to implement this integration?



  • OK, I figured it out. I realized before posting that some entities were disabled by the integration for the device. Actually, you can enable them manually (my interface is in French, so I'll try to translate the steps to follow). First, go to the “settings” tab on the left, then, click on “devices and services”. There, you should have your various integrations (including the Shelly ones). Click on your Shelly device, then on “1 device”. Now, you should see a list of sensors, you can click on the one you want to activate, then on the little gear, then on the “advanced settings” which allows you to enable the sensor entity.

    In fact, the following issue on GitHub helped me:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Vinis (1. Mai 2023 um 11:12) aus folgendem Grund: I've added a link to a GitHub issue which helped me to fix my issue.