I am asking for help as I cannot understand how to make MQTT work with Shelly devices, second generation.
I have always used Shelly Gen 1, it was very simple, both to receive a value from a device, subscribing to a topic, for instance to get a temperature information and above all to control the device, for instance to send to a Shelly device, for instance a Shelly 1, a toggle or other commands. Everything is clearly documented.
On the contrary I can't understand how to control and how to get information from a Shelly-NG, for instance a Shelly 1. I have looked everywhere, I just found this page:
but the page seems to be the same for all second generation devices and there is neither command list not the list of topics where the device is sending information.
I know, I am missing something, can anyone please help?
Thanks a lot, Daniele