Daily consumption from em_data.csv

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to figure if it's possible to compute the daily consumption or production from the csv data file.

    First of all, you get data every minutes (1440 entries per day).

    Second, I don't understand what the column "Active energy Wh" stand for ?

    Is it what was consumed or produced during that minute ? Or is it what was being consumed or produced at that precise moment ?

    And last question, what is that value exactly ? Example: from the webpage, I see that my consumption in real time is around 275W, but the file "Active energy Wh" is 4.73. :/

    If it's not possible to compute daily with the CSV is it possible through MQTT ?

    thank you very much for your input.


  • Hi,

    basically it is possible, but i would not recommend it, it's very tricky!

    Short explanation:

    For two or three days back from today, the file stores values every minute as you mentioned.

    But as the dates get older, the file is rewritten internally and the values are compressed into 10-minute-packets.

    As dates get even older the data is compressed even more, resulting in 30 minute-packets.

    "Second, I don't understand what the column "Active energy Wh" stand for ?"

    Active_Energy stands for the energy you consume from the public grid, whereas Returned Energy stands for the energy that you return to the public grid when you have a PV.

    Wh is "Watts per hour", in the file that would mean how many Watts you have consumed/returned during a certain period of time.

    So, if the file stores values in a minute-mesh, that would mean your 4.73Wh is the sum of Watts you have consumed/produced within a minute.

    "Is it what was consumed or produced during that minute?"


    "If it's not possible to compute daily with the CSV is it possible through MQTT ?"

    It is possible but very hard, dates stored in the em_data are in UTC, so to get exact values for your timezone, you would have to recalculate every single date in the file, or there will be

    missing hours at the beginning/end of the day.

    MQTT, sure would be possible, can't tell you about it, never worked with it, HTTP would do it just like MQTT.