Wrong prefix for consumption and returned

  • I just installed the first EM3 last weekend and the manual stated to put the amp clamps from K -> L which states K as the power delivery and L as your home consuming power.

    I did exactly that an installed the clamps between the first fuses and the grid power meter.

    The values itself are correct or at least seem to be correct but the prefix is wrong - the shelly app shows a 25kwh consumption and 4.5 kwh returned. But it's simply the other way round. The PV delivered about 30 to 35kwh and in the morning the house consumed about 4 kwh.

    So the values match the values on the meter but the app shows the consumption as "returned" values.

    I'm sure I didn't mess up the direction on of the clamps - is there anything else I could have done wrong?

  • There is some confusion with the label on the current clamps and the manual! Please turn the clamps over till the display is correct!

    „Habt Geduld. Alle Dinge sind schwierig, bevor sie einfach werden!“ (aus Frankreich)

    „Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.“ (Marie Curie, 1867-1934)

    „Es reicht nicht“, rief Schiller, „Gedankenfreiheit zu fordern, man muß auch denken können, sonst fordert man Gedankenlosigkeitsfreiheit und die ist die Freiheit zur Dummheit, welche wiederum die schlimmste Unfreiheit überhaupt ist!“
    (Aus „Besuch aus Weimar“ von Gert Heidenreich, Schriftsteller, *1944 in Eberswalde)