So I am working with 5 Shelly Plus 1PM and ioBroker. I want to install each Shelly in a different area on the same wlan and at the moment I have 5 pages in VIS, one for each area where I have a button that turns the shelly on/off. Eventually I might add more Shellys so I want to make a page where I display all the connected Shellys with a dropdown for each one where I can select which area they belong to and then automatically control them with the button from each area page. Is it possible? Does anyone know how to do that?
Thank you!
Displaying Shellys in VIS
Alexandra -
2. August 2023 um 18:07 -
Everything is actually possible, it's a matter of personal taste.
I decided on menu buttons and a simple status display for the WAF (red = open or ON / green = closed or OFF)
Thank you for your reply! I was more intrested if I could detect when a new shelly is added to ioBroker, show it in VIS and when selecting what area I want it to belong to, the datapoint would automatically bind to the switch button from that area's page somehow. Without having to go to the switch's object ID and manually searching for the shelly's datapoint. Sorry if it doesn't make sense, I am not very good at explaining
Without having to go to the switch's object ID and manually searching for the shelly's datapoint.
That's the way ioBroker and Vis work.
Ok, thank you for your help!
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