Shelly Plus 1 - network connectivity issues/debug options

  • Good evening,

    I am having two issues with my Shelly Plus 1 and am looking for debug options.

    First, sometimes the device is not reachable via the wireless network - is there a way I can enable logs to tell me if the device was powered off or if there were network connectivity issues?

    Second, I have issues with delayed status updates in openHAB - is there a way I can enable logs to tell me when the input status was changed and when those changes were sent via the interface to openHAB?

  • Made some progress - the status I get via:


    told me the uptime, which is clearly longer than the recent connectivity issues. So power does not seem to be the issue, but the network connection is unstable.

    However there is some correlation with device activity. The Shelly is controlling our entrance gates. When it looses connectivity and then I trigger the entrance gates via our traditional radio controls then the connectivity of the Shelly comes back on. So somehow that activity triggers something in the Shelly that enables it to reconnect.

    Does anyone have an idea what could be causing such behavior?

  • the-ninth 8. August 2023 um 07:48

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „What debug options for Shelly Plus 1“ zu „Shelly Plus 1 - network connectivity issues/debug options“ geändert.