I immediately bought a small stack of these wall displays but I am a bit disappointed. The build quality make a good impression but the features leave a lot to be desired. Almost unusable without Shelly Cloud. I understand that they are brand new and more features are coming, but I expected a bit more at launch. Here is the minimum I would expect for these devices to extend their stay in my home indefinitely:
- Customizable background / theme
- Option to disable the logo (i.e. a room name, breaker id, ... would make much better use of the space. also my rooms are not some kind of billboard.)
- Virtual buttons for sending commands via MQTT
- Temperature control sending updates via MQTT
- Temperature control receiving state changes via MQTT
- Scripting for updating virtual buttons / labels / states / ... from MQTT events
Apart from this, however, a very promising product. With these features, I would definitely buy more.