Shelly EM MQTT disables Cloud and mobile app access

  • When I enabled MQTT in my Shelly EM, I got the cloud option disabled and as a result, the EM was not accessible through the mobile application.

    I am aware of the warning:

    Enable MQTT
    WARNING: If you enable MQTT - actions via Cloud connection will be disabled!

    but is is specific about actions, not the whole Cloud connection.

    Also, when I logged through web in my device and enabled back the Cloud option, MQTT was disabled.

    Is this the expected behavior? I am running the latest firmware

  • but is is specific about actions, not the whole Cloud connection.

    Afaik it affects the whole cloud connection but not the actions (=webhooks).

    Is this the expected behavior?

    Yes, that is the documented behavior. You can only use either the cloud or MQTT in Shelly Generation 1.

    An Cloud-/Szenen-Benutzer (insbesondere für Regelungen): Was erwartest du, wenn Internet oder Cloud sabotiert werden? Nicht nur dafür meine kleine Skripteinführung  8)

    Die einzig existierende Konstante ist der Wandel. Oft liegt die größte Schwierigkeit darin, das Anliegen des Klienten zu verstehen.