Hallo. Ich nutze schon länger einen Blu Button zur aktivierung eines Plug S mit der Bezeichnung "Kino". Auf dem Plug S ist ein BluButton Script von De Kat (gibt es De Kat nicht mehr?). Easy_Call und Blu_Events. Dies hat bis heute immer zuverlässig funktioniert. Leider schaltet er mit single push seit heute nicht mehr den lokalen shelly mit ohne dass ich irgendetwas geändert habe. Komischerweise funktioniert mit double push die aktivierung eines anderen plug S ("Kino Steckdose") ohne Probleme über den lokalen Plug S. Ich verstehe gerade nicht was da los ist?
Als Meldung im debug erhalte ich:
Error: ErrorChk(), call Answer ---> Error -104: Timed out
Info: maybe --> wrong URL or device may be offline
/*---------------------------------Supported Blu Events--------------------------------------------
Blu *all: ---> "reboot" "single_push" "hold_push" "pairing_push" "unknown_push"
Blu Door/Window: ---> "open" "closed"
Blu Motion: ---> "no_motion" "motion_detected"
Blu Button: ---> "wake_up" "single_push" "double_push" "triple_push" "long_push"
let eDebug= false, //Create debug output, true/false, set this only to true for short periods!
// easy_Start true/false, shows for 15 min, after a script start, blu "mac" ids near your Shelly.
var easy_Start= true,
actionMap= {
"Kino": {id: "90:39:5e:0c:83:7f", event: "single_push", call: ["Http.get",{url: ""}] },
"Kino Steckdose Doppelklick": {id: "90:39:5e:0c:83:7f", event: "double_push", call: ["Http.get",{url: "http://192.168.***.***/relay/0?turn=toggle"}] },
};//Entries name Restriction: without Space!, unique entries only!
var battery_Fix= true, //Drop, 0% battery BTHome packages on Reboot Event, true/false
activeScan= true, //Active or Passiv Bluetooth Scan, only used when BT Gateway false!
get_All= false, //Get all data available and ship it in a Event, default false
debug= false; //Create debug output, true/false, set this only to true for short periods.
//~~~~~~~ Easy_Call v1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~
function Check_Event(d){ //Checking for Event Match
let blu= 0, normal= 0;
if(easy_Start && !tH1) tH1= Timer.set(1000*60*15,0,function(){easy_Start= false;}); //15min Timer for easy_Start
//Filter for blu Events
if(bluShellys || easy_Start) blu= Efilter(d,{inData: true,filterValue: ['GBLE'], filterKey: ['mac','device_type','device_state']},eDebug); //Check for Blu Data
if(blu && blu.GBLE){
if(easy_Start) print('Found Device: Blu _[',blu.device_type,']_ ---event---> _[',blu.device_state,']_ \n id: ---> ',blu.mac);
for(a in actionMap){
if(actionMap[a].mac && actionMap[a].mac === blu.mac && actionMap[a].event === blu.device_state){
if(actionMap[a].call[2]) { //Check for Callback and pack event_data for Callback
//Filter for normal Events
if(dList.length < 1) return;
normal= Efilter(d,{device: dList, filterKey: ['event']},eDebug);
if(!normal) return; //Exit if useless Data
for(a in actionMap){
if(actionMap[a].event === normal.event){
if(actionMap[a].call[2]) { //Check for Callback and pack event_data for Callback
}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Check_Event()',debug);} //Error Handler
var dList= [], bluShellys= false;
function Read_actionMap(a){ //Read actionMap
//Check for valied actionMap Entrys
function cK(s){return typeof s !== 'string';}
if(!actionMap[a].id || !actionMap[a].event || !actionMap[a].call || cK(actionMap[a].id) || cK(actionMap[a].event) || !Array.isArray(actionMap[a].call)){
throw new Error('Wrong actionMap Parameter, dropped actionMap Entry ----> '+actionMap[a].id+' --> '+actionMap[a].event);
//Check for Blu mac
if(actionMap[a].id.length === 17) {
print("Info: add --> Blu Device ---> ",actionMap[a].id);
actionMap[a].mac= actionMap[a].id;
delete actionMap[a].id;
bluShellys= true;
//Add normal shellys to device List
if(actionMap[a].id) print("Info: add --> Normal Device ---> ",actionMap[a].id);
if(actionMap[a].id) dList.push(actionMap[a].id); //Device List
}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Read_actionMap()',debug);} //Error Handler
//========= Blu_Events v2.2 =========
//notUsed-->let _cid = "0ba9"; //Allterco, Company ID(MFD)
let devID1= "SBBT"; //Blu Button1, deviceID, --> SBBT-002C
let devID2= "SBDW"; //Blu Door/Window, deviceID --> SBDW-002C
let devID3= 'SBMO'; //Blu Motion, deviceID, --> SBMO-003Z
let uuid= "fcd2"; //BTHome, Service ID --> UUID(16bit)
let bluMap= {//Device Parameter, you can find the full BTH Device List at 'https://bthome.io/format'
'0xf0':['device_type_id','uint8','split2'], //All Blu Devices, special case [default --> uint16]
'0xf1':['firmware_version','uint8','split4'], //All Blu Devices, special case [default--> uint32]
//notUsed-->'0xf2':['FirmwareVersion','uint24'], //All Blu Devices
'0x00':['pid','uint8'], //All Blu Devices
'0x01':['battery','uint8','%'], //All Blu Devices
'0x3a':['button','uint8'], //All Blu Devices
'0x05':['illuminance','uint24',0.01], //Blu Motion and D/W
//notUsed-->'0x1a':['door','uint8'], //Blu D/W
'0x2d':['window','uint8'], //Blu D/W
'0x3f':['rotation','int16',0.1], //Blu D/W
'0x21':['motion','uint8'], //Blu Motion
function CreateEvent(obj){ //Create Blu data and send Blu Events
//Somehow filter for device_type, with out local names
obj.gen= 'GBLE'; obj.device_type= 'Unknown-Type';
if(typeof obj.button === 'number' && !obj.illuminance || obj.device_type_id === '2.1') obj.device_type= 'Button';
if(typeof obj.illuminance === 'number' && !obj.motion || obj.device_type_id === '2.2') obj.device_type= 'Door-Window';
if(typeof obj.motion === 'number' || obj.device_type_id === '2.5') obj.device_type= 'Motion';
//notUsed-->obj.device_type || obj.device_type_id ? obj.gen= 'GBLE': obj.device_type= 'Unknown-Type';
//Create device_states
case 'Button':
obj.device_state= obj.input;
case 'Door-Window':
obj.window === 0 ? obj.device_state= obj.input||'closed': obj.device_state= obj.input||'open';
case 'Motion':
obj.motion === 0 ? obj.device_state= obj.button_input||'no_motion': obj.device_state= obj.input||'motion_detected';
obj.device_state= 'unknown_state';
if(obj.input) delete obj.input;
obj.device_state= 'reboot';
if(battery_Fix && obj.battery === 0) delete obj.battery; //Workaround a Blu FW_Update Battery Bug
if(battery_Fix && get_All && obj.battery_string) delete obj.battery_string; //Workaround a Blu FW_Update Battery Bug
if(debug) print('\nDebug: Blu_data:\n',obj);
Shelly.emitEvent(''+obj.device_state, obj); //Sending Event
if(debug) print('Debug: sending Event __[',obj.device_state,']__');
function CheckInput(bI){ //Check for Blu Button Events
if(typeof bI !== 'number') return null;
let buttonMap= ['wake_up', 'single_push', 'double_push', 'triple_push', 'long_push', 'pairing_push', 'default_reset_push'];
if(bI > 6 && bI !== 254) bI= 'unknown_push';
if(bI < 7) bI= buttonMap[bI];
if(bI === 254) bI= 'hold_push';
return bI;
function DeviceName(name){ //Check for locale Device Name
if(!name) return 'Hidden-Device';
if(Cut(name,devID1)) return 'Blu-Button1';
if(Cut(name,devID2)) return 'Blu-Door-Window';
if(Cut(name,devID3)) return 'Blu-Motion';
return 'Unknown-Device--> '+ name;
function Unpack(d,m,r,l){ //Create BTHome obj and Unpack BTHome data
//Setup declaring variabel and functions
if(typeof d !== "string" || d.length < 3) return null;
var obj= {mac: m, rssi: r, device_name: DeviceName(l)}, spC= 0, tmp= []; //Add extra data
function Int_To_uInt(int, bytes){
let mask= 1 << (bytes - 1);
if(int & mask) return int-(1 << bytes);
return int;
//Unpack Info BTHome Byte
byte= d.at(0); //Getting first Byte as dezimal
if(byte & 0x01) obj.encryption= true; //Getting encryption;
if(obj.encryption) throw new Error('BThome Service Data encripted, encription is not supported!');
obj.bthome_version= byte >> 5; //Getting BTHome Version
(byte & 0x02) ? obj.interval= 'irregular': obj.interval= 'regular'; //Get transmission interval
if(obj.bthome_version !== 2) throw new Error('Wrong BThome Version: found v.'+obj.bthome_version+' only v.2 supported!');
}else{delete obj.encryption; if(obj.device_name === "Hidden-Device") delete obj.device_name;} //Reduce data
d= d.slice(1); //Delete useless Info byte
//Unpack BThome Values
for(let value of d){ //Search for matching BTHome hex ID
if(d.length < 1) break;
if(!spC) byte= btoh(d[0]); //Getting BTHome object ID
let bluData= bluMap['0x'+byte]; //Getting blu Data
if(bluData === undefined){ //Debug handling
print('Error: Unknown BThome Data--> HexID: 0x',byte,', you can add more id from the full objID list--> https://bthome.io/format');
obj.new_BTH_HexID= byte;
obj.new_Data= btoa(d);
obj.info= 'Please send the newBTH_HexID and newData to this script developer so that they can integrate it.';
if(!spC) d= d.slice(1); //Delete usless bth ID byte
// Merge value bytes
let max= Number(Cut(bluData[1],'int','int'))/8; //Getting max Bytes out of dataType
if(d.length < max) throw new Error('Wrong DataType, '+d.length+' Bytes, payload to big for DataType: '+bluData[1]+' max->'+max);
if(max === 1) value= d.at(0);
else if(max === 2) value= (d.at(1) << 8) | d.at(0);
else if(max === 3) value= (d.at(2) << 16) | (d.at(1) << 8) | d.at(0);
//notUsed-->else if(max === 4) value= (d.at(3) << 24) | (d.at(2) << 16) | (d.at(1) << 8) | d.at(0);
d= d.slice(max); //Delete useless value Bytes
if(!Cut(bluData[1],'u','u')) value= Int_To_uInt(value,max*8); //Convert int to uint
if(value === undefined) break; //Exit value loop
//Adding String/Unit to value
let is_Str= typeof bluData[2] === 'string';
if (typeof bluData[2] === 'number') value= value*bluData[2]; //Adding factor
if(is_Str && !spC && Cut(bluData[2],'split')) spC= Number(Cut(bluData[2],'split','split'))+1; //Get split counter
tmp.push(value); //Saving value for special case
spC--; //reduce split counter
obj[bluData[0]]= value; //Saving value
if(is_Str && !spC && get_All) value= ''+value+bluData[2]; //Adding unit
if(is_Str && !spC && get_All) obj[bluData[0]+'_string']= value; //Saving String Value
if(spC === 1){
value= [];
for(let i in tmp){
value[(tmp.length-1)-i]= tmp[i]; //Reverse Array
tmp= []; //Clear useless data
obj[bluData[0]]= value.join('.'); //Join FW version into String
spC= 0; //Exit special case
if(!get_All && obj.pid) delete obj.pid; //reduce data
return obj;
function ScanCB(e,r) { //BT Scan Loop
if(e !== 2 || !r) return; //Exit if empty scan
if(!r.service_data || !r.service_data[uuid]) return; //Exit if not BTHome data
let obj= Unpack(r.service_data[uuid],r.addr,r.rssi,r.local_name); //Create BTHome Obj & Unpack BTHome Data
if(debug){ //Debug output
r.service_data[uuid]= btoa(r.service_data[uuid]);
r.advData= btoa(r.advData);
print('\nDebug: BT_data:\n',r,'\nDebug: BTHome_data:\n', obj);}
if(!obj) throw new Error('Failed to unpack service_data, '+JSON.stringify(r));
r= undefined, e= undefined; //Delete useless data
obj.input= CheckInput(obj.button);
if(!obj.input) delete obj.input; //Delete useless data
CreateEvent(obj); //Creating Event out of bthObj
tH1= 0; //Global "easy_Start"" Timer Handler
function Main(){ //Main syncron Script Code
BLE.Scanner.Start({duration_ms: -1, active: activeScan}, ScanCB); //Sub to passiv BT Scanner, start a new scan if no scanner is runnning
BLE.Scanner.isRunning() ? print('Status: BLE.Scanner is scanning in Background.'): print('Status: BLE.Scanner cannot be initiated, check your Bluetooth settings!');
Object.keys(actionMap).forEach(Read_actionMap); //Read actionMap
Shelly.addEventHandler(Check_Event); //Start Check_Event() Loop
//Toolbox v3.7-Alpha(Cut), a universal Toolbox for Shelly scripts
function Efilter(d,p,deBug) { //Event Filter, d=eventdata, p={device:[], filterKey:[], filterValue:[], noInfo:true, inData:true}->optional_parameter
let fR= {}; //d.info= d.info.data;
if(p.noInfo){fR= d; d= {}; d.info= fR; fR= {};} if(p.inData && d.info.data){Object.assign(d.info,d.info.data) delete d.info.data;}
if(!d.info) fR.useless= true; if(p.device && p.device.length && p.device.indexOf(d.info.component) === -1) fR.useless= true;
if(p.device && p.device.length && !fR.useless && !p.filterKey && !p.filterValue) fR= d.info;
if(p.filterKey && !fR.useless) for(f of p.filterKey) for(k in d.info) if(f === k) fR[k]= d.info[k];
if(p.filterValue && !fR.useless) for(f of p.filterValue) for(v of d.info) if(Str(v) && f === v) fR[Str(v)]= v;
if(deBug) print('\nDebug: EventData-> ', d, '\n\nDebug: Result-> ', fR, '\n');
if(Str(fR) === '{}' || fR.useless){return;} return fR;}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Efilter()');}}
function ErrorChk(r,e,m,d){ //Shelly.call error check
aC--; if(aC<0) aC= 0;
if(d.CB && d.uD) d.CB(r,d.uD); if(d.CB && !d.uD) d.CB(r);
if(!d.CB && d.uD) print('Debug: ',d.uD); if(e) throw new Error(Str(m));
if(Str(r) && Str(r.code) && r.code !== 200) throw new Error(Str(r));
}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'ErrorChk(), call Answer');}}
function Cqueue(){ //Shelly.call queue
if(!cCache[0] && !nCall[0]) return;
while(cCache[0] && aC < callLimit){if(cCache[0] && !nCall[0]){nCall= cCache[0]; cCache.splice(0,1);}
if(nCall[0] && aC < callLimit){Call(nCall[0],nCall[1],nCall[2],nCall[3],nCall[4]); nCall= [];}} if(tH9){Timer.clear(tH9); tH9= 0;}
if(nCall[0] || cCache[0])if(cSp <= 0) cSp= 0.1; tH9= Timer.set(1000*cSp,0,function(){tH9= 0; Cqueue();});}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Cqueue()');}}
function Call(m,p,CB,uD,deBug){ //Upgrade Shelly.call
let d= {};
if(deBug) print('Debug: calling:',m,p); if(CB) d.CB= CB; if(Str(uD)) d.uD= uD; if(!m && CB){CB(uD); return;}
if(aC < callLimit){aC++; Shelly.call(m,p,ErrorChk,d);}else if(cCache.length < cacheLimit){
cCache.push([m,p,CB,uD,deBug]); if(deBug) print('Debug: save call:',m,p,', call queue now:',cCache.length); Cqueue();
}else{throw new Error('to many Calls in use, droping call: '+Str(m)+', '+Str(p));}}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Call()');}}
function Str(d){ //Upgrade JSON.stringify
if(d === null || d === undefined) return null; if(typeof d === 'string')return d;
return JSON.stringify(d);}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Str()');}}
function Cut(f,k,o,i){ //Upgrade slice f=fullData, k=key-> where to cut, o=offset->offset behind key, i=invertCut
let s= f.indexOf(k); if(s === -1) return null; if(o) s= s+o.length || s+o; if(i) return f.slice(0,s);
return f.slice(s);}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Cut()');}}
function Setup(){ //Wating 2sek, to avoid a Shelly FW Bug
if(Main && !tH9){tH9= Timer.set(2000,0,function(){print('\nStatus: started Script _[', scriptN,']_');
if(callLimit > 4){callLimit= 4;} try{Main();}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Main()'); tH9= 0; Setup();}});}}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Setup()');}}
function ErrorMsg(e,s,deBug){ //Toolbox formatted Error Msg
let i=0; if(Cut(e.message, '-104: Timed out')) i= 'wrong URL or device may be offline';
if(Cut(e.message, 'calls in progress')) i= 'reduce _[ callLimit ]_ by 1 and try again, its a global variabel at the end of the toolbox';
if(s === 'Main()' || deBug) i= e.stack; if(Cut(e.message, '"Main" is not')) i= 'define a Main() function before using Setup()';
print('Error:',s || "",'---> ',e.type,e.message); if(i) print('Info: maybe -->',i);}catch(e){print('Error: ErrorMsg() --->',JSON.stringify(e));}}
var tH8= 0, tH9= 0, aC= 0, cCache= [], nCall= [], callLimit= 4, cacheLimit= 40, cSp= 0.1; //Toolbox global variable
var Status= Shelly.getComponentStatus, Config= Shelly.getComponentConfig; //Renamed native function
var info= Shelly.getDeviceInfo(), scriptID= Shelly.getCurrentScriptId(), scriptN= Config('script',scriptID).name; //Pseudo const, variabel
//Toolbox v3.7-Alpha(full), Shelly FW >1.0.8
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