I have two PRO DualCoverPM devices that should control my sun shades on one side of my house. I am running FW 1.2.2. When I go to the Home-Site of the device, two areas appear, but both are cover0, no way to access cover1:
This is NOT a naming issue. When I click on either one, cover0 moves. I can get access to cover1 by using http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/#/cover/1/settings, but also HomeAssistant does not get both covers.
I have had this problem for almost two months now, but did not have time to address it. Am I the only one to have the problem? I did not find any complaint or hint to this issue either in HA or Shelly Forums.
If this problem cannot be solved soon, can at least someone give me the correct websockets to the cover movements that I can make a workaround in HA?
Thanks for your time