Controlling a 12v circuit with a 230v signal using a shelly relay or similar

  • Hi all

    I have the following challenge.

    I have 12V DC circuit and a 230V AC circuit. When the the 230V circuit turns off the 12V circuit must turn off. After 2-5 seconds the 12V must to turn on again. Wenn the 230V circuit turns on it does not change the state of the 12V circuit. (It stays on).

    Could I realise this with one of the Shelly Relais or some other relay device?

  • Hi.

    If the phase of your 230 VAC cicuit is the same to permanently supply a shelly (important !), you can realize this with a Shelly 1 Gen3.

    The shelly needs 230 VAC permanently at L-N to operate.

    The 230 VAC circuit with is going on and off goes to SW. The 12 VDC circuit goes to I and O.

    In "Input/Output settings" set "Select input mode for Input (0)" to switch and "Action on power on for Relais" to "Turn ON".

    Now add a new action. Set "Event condition" to "Input toggled off" and add a local action. Set "Action" to "Control Output" and "Set Output State property" to "Off". Set "Set Flip value after property" to 2-5 seconds.

    That should do the job. If the 230 VAC circuit goes off, the 12 VDC circuit switches off and turned on again after 2-5 seconds.

    Jede Maschine ist eine Nebelmaschine. Man muss sie nur falsch genug bedienen 😁