Shelly Button 1 actions with Shelly RGBW2

  • Hi everyone! This is my first thread, and I want to mention at first I'm beginner in shelly environment. I have got Shelly RGBW2 to control my white LED stripes, and recently I bought Button 1 - they are connected to the same WLAN. I want to set the actions like short push - channel 0 (in RGBW2) is ON with e.g 50% (when Channel 0 is OFF). The same short push, when it's ON means "turn Channel 0 off", 2x push - channel 1 and channel 2 is on at let's say 80% (whenever they are on or off), long push = turn OFF every channel, and so on, and so on... Could someone give me a bunch of examples how to do it? Let's say example of 2 or 3 commands... I visited the "" but the way they described the manner of operation is not clear for me. I only know I have to create something like this and paste it into the box in the "button1" actions menu: "deviceIP/settings/relay/0?out_on_url=http://localhost/relay/1?turn=on".Maybe someone could help me with his experience...

    Thank you in advance!