Measuring 3 phase devices

  • I would like to measure the electricity consumptions of 3 large 3-phase AC units I have. What are my options? Shelly 3em on each I know.

    Would the future Shelly 4 Pro Plus work as well? I can't find any information on using 3 phases in one Shelly 4. Would I have to use 3 Shelly 4, one for each phase?

    Also, on a 3 phase device, is it too much of a leap to assume each phase uses about the same amount of power, and just multiplying the power consumption on 1 phase by 3. In that case 1 Shelly 3em would work.

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    Hallo bule_08,


    The Shelly 4Pro (even the comming 4Pro+) is only for 1-phase operation!

    To monitor a 3-phase device you can use one Shelly 3EM. You need to install a current transducer on each of the three phases. Then you will have the consumption per phase and in total for this device monitored (up to 120A/phase).

    If the power consumption is less then 10A (Shelly 4Pro) or less then 16A (Shelly 4Pro+) then you can use them for the measurement of the power consumption as well but you will need to install a separate Shelly 4Pro(+) for each phase. If it is only one device you even could use three Shelly 1PM instead.

    Grüße Bernd

    Mein "Smarthome":

    FHEM als "Master"(Cloud-Free :))mit 89 Shellys(1,1PM,2,2.5,4Pro,RGBW2,PlugS,Uni, alle mit Original-FW),13x Sonoff (Tasmota-FW),12x Blitzwolf/Gosund(Tasmota-FW),85x One-Wire Temp-Sensoren(16x D1-Mini mit Tasmota-FW),51x Modbus(Hutschienenzähler),31x Intertechno 433MHz(Rolladen-Aktoren),16x FBDECT(8 Heizkörperthermostate,8 Schaltsteckdosen),21x Homematic(16 Raumthermostate,3 FB-Heizungsaktoren,2 Repeater),1x Loxone MiniserverGo,etc

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