Energy consumption - no cloud

  • Hello,

    I just got my first Shell 1PM and it is work now for my heater. Now I want to monitor my energy consumption, but won't to use cloud, but just MQTT. So I have my topics in my MQTT broker, but there is no something, that I need. I want to put in mySQL consumption on each 5 minutes and after that I will do my calculations. Can you give me a clue , how can I get this information.

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    Hello topche,


    If you want to record the energy consumption values from a Shelly offline from the cloud then you have to do the following things:

    • enter a valid local ntp-server address
    • enter geo location settings, but don't set the checkmark for auto geo location detection

    And be aware that after every reboot or powerloss of the Shelly the energy counter will be set to zero again. So you need to cover this by your overall system.

    Grüße Bernd

    Mein "Smarthome":

    FHEM als "Master"(Cloud-Free :))mit 89 Shellys(1,1PM,2,2.5,4Pro,RGBW2,PlugS,Uni, alle mit Original-FW),13x Sonoff (Tasmota-FW),12x Blitzwolf/Gosund(Tasmota-FW),85x One-Wire Temp-Sensoren(16x D1-Mini mit Tasmota-FW),51x Modbus(Hutschienenzähler),31x Intertechno 433MHz(Rolladen-Aktoren),16x FBDECT(8 Heizkörperthermostate,8 Schaltsteckdosen),21x Homematic(16 Raumthermostate,3 FB-Heizungsaktoren,2 Repeater),1x Loxone MiniserverGo,etc

    Neues von Print Worth 3D: ==> Marktplatz

  • Hello topche,


    If you want to record the energy consumption values from a Shelly offline from the cloud then you have to do the following things:

    • enter a valid local ntp-server address
    • enter geo location settings, but don't set the checkmark for auto geo location detection

    And be aware that after every reboot or powerloss of the Shelly the energy counter will be set to zero again. So you need to cover this by your overall system.

    Thank you Guzz

    You talking to do like that:



  • Can i change time of MQTT reporting. I need to have message on each one minute, but not on each 5 minutes.

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