Actual working temperatur

  • Hi !

    I was browsing through the forums and found multiple reports of people having high temperatures on their shelly dimmer 2s. So I checked mine (which you can do by accessing this address http://%7bip of your dimmer}/status ; then find "tmp" and behind that there is temperature values in celsius and fahrenheit) and I have 46* C with lights off and 57* C with lights on.

    Now this seems quite low compared to the reports here in the forum about reaching 105* C and such. It seem pretty high though compared to the Specifications mentioned in the 2-pages manual. There it states: Working temperature: from 0° C to 35° C.

    Does anyone reach such low values?

    What are your temperatures?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Working temperature means ambient temperature. The measured temperature is the temperature on the PCB inside the chip.

    Grüße Bernd

    Mein "Smarthome":

    FHEM als "Master"(Cloud-Free :))mit 89 Shellys(1,1PM,2,2.5,4Pro,RGBW2,PlugS,Uni, alle mit Original-FW),13x Sonoff (Tasmota-FW),12x Blitzwolf/Gosund(Tasmota-FW),85x One-Wire Temp-Sensoren(16x D1-Mini mit Tasmota-FW),51x Modbus(Hutschienenzähler),31x Intertechno 433MHz(Rolladen-Aktoren),16x FBDECT(8 Heizkörperthermostate,8 Schaltsteckdosen),21x Homematic(16 Raumthermostate,3 FB-Heizungsaktoren,2 Repeater),1x Loxone MiniserverGo,etc

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    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The reported 105°C should not be possible. Normally the Dimmer should switch off at >95°C. Normal operating temperature should not be higher then 70-85°C (reported from the Shelly inside the chip on the PCB).

    Grüße Bernd

    Mein "Smarthome":

    FHEM als "Master"(Cloud-Free :))mit 89 Shellys(1,1PM,2,2.5,4Pro,RGBW2,PlugS,Uni, alle mit Original-FW),13x Sonoff (Tasmota-FW),12x Blitzwolf/Gosund(Tasmota-FW),85x One-Wire Temp-Sensoren(16x D1-Mini mit Tasmota-FW),51x Modbus(Hutschienenzähler),31x Intertechno 433MHz(Rolladen-Aktoren),16x FBDECT(8 Heizkörperthermostate,8 Schaltsteckdosen),21x Homematic(16 Raumthermostate,3 FB-Heizungsaktoren,2 Repeater),1x Loxone MiniserverGo,etc

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