No Web interface and Unable to connect to WIFI in client mode

  • Hi Support,

    I have a brand new Shelly1PM to add to my various Existing Shellys (1's and 1PM's)

    But, when connecting to it via its own AP, ( I don't get a webpage, rather I get the status and power usage JSON printed to the screen instead.

    Never mind, I'm a computer programmer and can use HTTP REST calls manually, so I'll try that instead.

    However, Even using the rest interface, I cannot get the Shelly1PM to connect to my Wifi network.

    A call to /wifi_scan lists my WIFI SSID correctly, so the shelly can see the WIFI network.

    A call to /status/sta?ssid=MY_SSID&key=MY_WIFI_PASSWORD&enabled=1&ipv4_method=dhcp

    Yields the following result.

    I.e. it doesn't even try to connect to my WIFI.

    How can I go about forcing the Shelly1PM into Wifi client mode?



  • maybe those devices are in developer test mode.. try this URL

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

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