Shelly 1 behind a light switch - UK Wiring

  • Hello,

    Newbie here and really sorry for asking a question that has likely been answered (but could not find from a few searches) and may also be a silly question.

    I've attached the wiring behind my light switch which is the same for all switches in my house. I have a live, neutral and earth wire to all my light switches however all switches seem fitted like the attached image, in that I have two live wires going to common and L1 with L2 blank unless I've got a two-way switch. In this example given there is a neutral available which wiring option should I be using to connect the Shelly 1? Thank you for your understanding and help.



  • Hi k1ran29,

    Here you should find what you are looking for: connection diagrams Shelly 1

    Take care:

    • Is there enough space behind the switch(es)
    • Use always only 1 phase both for control and power
    • Be happy to have N in every box
    • As long as you use only common and L1 while leaving L2 blank, Shelly 1 or 1PM (with emeter) will work
    • Shelly 2.5 is foreseen for roller shutters (roller mode) or for two switches and two outputs (relay mode)
    • Other devices could control LEDs

    Never forget to order Shellys using the Shop-button left side menu, you will support this private, independent and only one official Shelly forum! Thx.

    Mit der Elektrik ist das doch ganz einfach. Alles, was man sich merken muss: Rot ist Schwarz und Plus ist Minus, dann klappt‘s immer:!: Und beim Programmieren hat man auch nur Nullen und Einsen, also wie kompliziert kann das schon sein:?:

  • Sorry everyone for the late reply. I started to try this out but then lost track with kids etc.

    Thank you Sebmai and ASi-Master for replying.

    ASi-Master, thank you for the link to the diagrams just to confirm the very first image (labelled "Turning On/Off") in that link would be for my use case of putting the shelly 1 behind the light switch to control a set of downlight in a ceiling.

    Thank you in advance.